To me, this conveys a sense of cyber-futurism, imagine a disco-tec song accompanied with the movement in the images. You could create an entire narrative around the atmosphere in the images and let your imagination run free. The beams of light convey transparency and fluidity, the constant movement of traffic furthers the sense of energy. The second to last images is like a ball of chaotic-ness, the criss cross of light beams, the wiggle of the streamed light, its like they're dancing; they're propelling energy. To me, this series demonstrates how long exposures may suggest a sense of insignificance, its just a constant beam of light, we don't know how many cars have travelled to create that beam, there's no signatures of people; just a trail of what they, and many other people on the move, have left behind. This series is exciting, playful and intriguing and I would love to hear what these images meant to you. 

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